Cats do not get much credit, but let's give it to them when it's due. It may seem like they don't do much, or they are just in the way, but look a bit deeper and you'll see the tremendous jobs they achieve on a daily basis, and they think you should cherish those moments. It started out as an ordinary day for the Hollier household and the cats seemed normal, but the perspective of the father changed awhen he realized what the cats were truly doing, and that it was "for the greater good". The epiphany occurred while Aslan, the husband/pet dad, was trying to fold clothes. He took them from the dryer, placed them on the bed to fold, walked away for 5 seconds and came back to both Siamese rag-doll cats, Kipper and Kuiper, laying on the clean pile of clothes. He was surprised at how quickly they got there and got comfortable, but also irritated that they were in the way and getting hair all over. He tried getting them off, but th...
"I think that true love, fairy tales, the positive messages of positive stories - I don't think those ever die. Sometimes we like to hide them in sarcasm or irony, but they are still there, and they still move us." - Jon M. Chu